Calming the Storm
24 x 24 inches
Calming the Storm was painted after reading the story of Jesus calming the storm in the Bible. An interest in both boats and leaves are combined in the choice of and English Oak leaf in the central calm. Oak is a symbol of strength and stability. This image was created with a poem as a dance between the two. The storm has dark sinister patches, printing of net patterns and sharpe scratchings in.
Calming the Storm
The sea circles like a prowling cat
Fury in the waves
Ready to pounce
To overwhelm the delicate boat
Swamping it with salty sea
Leviathan stirs the mix
Frothing at his sharp toothed mouth
Eels and pike ride the nasty waves
About to strike, to bite, twist
Suck away life
“Awake from baby slumber,
Save us, Help us”
A pure voice awakened
More clear and powerful
Than all the evil intent
“Be still!” the voice rebuked
And like an obedient dog
The sea stood still
Mirror still
Level and waiting
Still as death
Calm as strong as life
(June 2023)
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